Misheck Ngulube’s tasks are endless. He is the initiator and head of the organization and is responsible for all on-site affairs. He visits the schools the children go to and has discussions with them and their teachers or responsible legal guardians; he distributes food to those who need it and is responsible when a child falls ill and is in need of medical treatment.
The only reason he is able to do this at the moment is because he is one of very few who own a car. This is a luxury he was able to afford given his previous job as a tourist gide pre pandemic.
Unfortunately, his vehicle does not meet the requirements that are needed on site. The area has a sandy and soft soft subsoil; except fort he main road, all roads consist of gravel and sand tracks which become impassable, especially during the rainy season. Damage to the vehicle is not uncommon and very expensive.
For this reason, one of our goals for the near future is purchasing an off-road vehicle.