Donations via bank transfer
If you want to donate via bank transfer, please send money to the following bank account:
Receiver: Umhambi
Bank: Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE 25 8306 5408 0004 2366 53
Bank: Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE 25 8306 5408 0004 2366 53
For general purpose usage of your donation, you can use any transfer reference. If you want to donate for a specific project, please refer our Projects site. Please use the corresponding project keyword as your transfer reference.
Paypal Donations
If you have a Paypal account, you may donate using the downstream link. You may donate once as well as placing a standing order.
Please note, that Paypal charges fees of 0,35€ per donation and 1,5% of the amount. If you want that every single Euro to get in, please use a bank transfer instead.